Thursday, May 19, 2011

Review of Title of Show

Tonight I went to see "Title of Show" the final production at the Matchbox Theatre. The play is a musical about two guys who plan to write a musical. They give themselves three weeks to write it and what happens is they pretty much end up writing about the process of the musical. There are four cast members in the play who play the real people who took part in the musical. I'm not sure if what I just said makes sense, but it makes sense in my head as I write this, you will probably just have to go along.

Hunter and Jeff are the real creators of "Title of Show", they are also the main characters, we see them collaborate with their friends Susan and Heidi. The show starts off just with these four trying to write something for a festival, then it gets even bigger as the show gets workshopped for an off Broadway performance, but Hunter and Jeff don't stop there as it becomes their dream to have it shown on Broadway.

I think anyone will enjoy "Title of Show" it has a unique sense of humour about itself, it's fully aware it's a musical about writing a musical, it plays with pop culture references and even makes fun of the fact that it has so many pop culture references.

There is somewhat of a serious message beneath the surface about the pressure of compromising an original vision and staying loyal to your friends, the play remains lighthearted.

There was a moment I was moved near the end during one of the songs, it's a song Chantal Hutchinson sings, I don't remember the name of it and I don't have to remember the name of it for this review because nobodies paying me to post this, but despite not knowing the song, I was moved by it.

The play is full of great energetic performances, everyone seems perfectly cast for their roles playing very naturally. I wouldn't say this is one of the deepest plays The Matchbox has put on, but on a pure entertainment value it's one of their best, i was left with tears in my eyes from laughter and a smile in my face. As someone who tries to create new work all the time, it's nice to see the process on stage and not taking it too seriously.

If anything, "Title of Show" reminded how fun it could be to create something and having people enjoy it. It sometimes just comes down to creating something new and original and having a blast while doing it, and if you get a chance to be on Broadway, more power to you.

Sadly this is the last show at The Matchbox Theatre, which has become a treasure in Red Deer for the last four years. I was lucky enough to perform in The Matchbox on more than one occasion, as well as being invited to direct "It's a Wonderful Life" the radio play this past Christmas, which was one of the highlights of my artistic career. It also had a criterion film festival which me and about five other people attended, and if you pay attention to my other blog Jeremy and the Movies, you'd know how much of a treat it was to see films like "Jules and Jim", and "The Thin Man" on a big screen. It almost seemed for that weekend, Red Deer had an art house.

I'm sorry to see The Matchbox go, although I know theatre will still have a place in Red Deer, but the space itself offered itself to the community in a way it had never seen. It's a shame it has to close, so if you are a person living in Red Deer who reads this blog and you have no affiliation with me whatsoever, I urge you to go down to the Matchbox and see "Title of Show", just so you know what you'll be missing when it closes down.

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