Thank God I live in Canada where we don't have to worry about Fox News every day. In my household, we have the Fox Network where I watch "The Simpsons", but Fox News is a completely different entity altogether. I think if we wanted Fox News we would have to pay for it. I'm not sure, I've never looked into it, all I know is in America, the faces of Glenn Beck and Bill O'Reilly seem to be everywhere, and here, we don't hear about or see them all that much.
I think I get my fill of Fox News when Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert mock them on practically every episode of their comedy shows. I remember when Beck had his own show on CNN, back then he didn't get as much attention as he does now, when I saw him then I found him to be the same kind of blow hard who distorted facts and exaggerated the truth as he does today, but I guess CNN didn't know how to publicize him. Beck even devoted a whole show to being interviewed by Anderson Cooper, it was amazing I don't think I ever saw a talk show where the host was his own guest.
I don't think Canada has an equivalent to Fox News, when I think of Canadain News, I think of Lloyd Robertson, or Peter Mansbridge, and of course "This Hour has 22 Minutes". In fact I trust our newsmen more than our politicians, for if there are anybody who try to distort facts and grand stand for no apparent reason it's them, don't believe me, just watch a House of Commons debate.
Of course Canadian politics have always lacked the drama and intensity of American politics. In Canada we have more than two parties, so it never feels like the people I know are either left or right. In America it's as if you have to be one or the other, there isn't a middle ground. I'm not sure if the gap between the two parties is smaller, but it doesn't seem like it.
I'm not very politically savvy, I look as politics as another word for bureaucracy, nothing ever seems to get done no matter which side you agree with, I felt real leadership has always come from someone who forgoes the consequences and makes decisions.
I feel like I'm simplifying my point, but like I said I'm not politically savvy. I view the world not through a political point of view but through a moral one. I believe the Iraq War is unjust, I believe gay people should get the same rights as everybody, and I believe universal healthcare is a great thing. I also believe in family values, good education systems, stricter gun laws, and freedom of religion. I believe I've learned these things by the way I was raised and viewing the world as I see it, politics have never had anything to do with it. If I would categorize myself, I would associate myself more as a liberal, but whether or not I would vote for the Liberal party is up in the air. I don't believe in Progressive Conservatives simply because I don't believe progress has anything to do with conservatives. In other words, I don't think I belong to a party, nor do I want to be, each party has let me down in some way or another.
I kinda feel sorry for Americans who only have the two choices, and then you are viewed by your choice as either good or bad in the media. I don't think I could stand for a Fox News type of show in Canada, it might make politics more interesting here, but it would be sending us down a road where morality and the truth no longer matters. In no way am I going to pay for that.
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