Monday, January 3, 2011

New Years Resolutions

I have to say on a professional level, 2010 was a banner year, I was writing more than ever, I enjoyed my time on Bullskit better than before, I directed the "It's a Wonderful Life" radio play at The Matchbox, which was a tremendous success both professionally and personally, and I started prepping for a short film which is a personal passion of mine.

Right now I'd say I'm in a good place, despite the fact that I have to move yet again from the place I am (I was there for only three months), it's a slight setback. This year I hope for focus on more of the things that make me happy and do things I have yet to do that I haven't done yet. Here's a list of my New Years resolutions.

1. Go to Paris: Well Europe in general, this is the big thing I want to accomplish, I've never been over seas, yes I feel it's expensive, and I personally don't like being broke, since I've been that before. I don't know exactly what I want my plan to be, whether I should backpack there, go on a week long tour, go with someone, go alone, I don't know, but I know I want to experience a different culture than I have been, and right now Paris represents so much for me, it's a place for art, for intellectuals, for pretty much everything that excites me.

2. Write a full Length play.: I've written two small one-act plays, I've been struggling to move forward from that, to move out of my comfort zone sort of speak. I think I'm ready to write a full length play, I have ideas in my head that are developing into something more labyrinth in my mind, I'm sure whatever is in my head will find its place onto the page.

3. Get a place of my own.: It may be the fact that I turned 30 a month ago, or the fact that I'm tired of answering to untrustworthy landlords, but I'd like to find a permanent place for myself, somewhere I can have the space and comfort for all my belongings without feeling I'm in anyone's way. I'm not saying I'll buy a place, but at least find somewhere or be financially dependent to be 100% completely independent.

4. Spend more time with family: This past year hasn't been easy on the family Robinson, we had some tragedy that makes you remember what really is important in life. My family hasn't been that close, but we do come together in times it really counts. Many of my non-immediate family are like strangers to me, but I'd like to change that. Some of my cousins are the same age as me, and they are people I like to get to know more.

5. Finish all the books that I own: I've been a huge collector of books for years now, usually when I come into chapters I buy a new one, but I've made a solemn oath that I will not buy another book until all the ones on my shelf are read.

6. Direct another play: I did have a mini-panic attack after doing "It's a Wonderful Life", sometimes wondering what I was doing, but in the end I was happy and proud with the finished product, and I liked working with my whole creative team, so I wouldn't mind trying my hand in it again, it probably means having to read more plays than I am used to, but I think if I can find something that really interests me, I would love to do it.

So that's about it for now, I hope 2011 is another good year personally as well as professionally, I'll continue doing things that make me happy which includes writing in these two blogs as much as I can, happy New Year to everyone who reads this.

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