This is a country who's poverty was unspeakable compared to ours, why does this have to happen? In America Republican blowhard Rush Limbaugh uses this tragedy as a way to criticize the President, evangelist Pat Robertson blames Haiti for the earthquake as they made a pact with the devil.
To Rush Limbaugh I say you're thoughtless, tactless, and stupid, and the same goes to the people who listen and agree with you. To Pat Robertson I say to the Devil with your God.
To both of you inhumane bullies, I say how dare you. You use a tragedy as your advantage to selfishly gain some spotlight. I don't know how you sleep, how your conscience isn't chewing away at you. You live in a safe place, you have millions of dollars, but there's still something in you that takes pleasure in the suffering of others. I don't think I'll ever understand people like you, how your mind works, and what you must be thinking when things like this happen.
You work in deception, you twist words, you whitewash the truth. One day I hope you are in a situation where you will ask for mercy, and for my own sake I hope you get it unlike those people in Haiti.
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