Okay so I never do this, I almost dedicate my free time to movies or books, or both, or something, but I can't help myself anymore. I have become addicted to a tv show, not just a tv show, but like the best tv show ever. Yeah I said it, and I don't care, it's like the best tv show ever, like the best, like totally the best.
What is this show I speak of? Why "Doctor Who" of course, it's just so awesome, I just finished season 2 on DVD and there were tears in my eyes, like actual tears, I was crying at a science fiction show with aliens and robots, and a hero who flies around in an old telephone box (That's booth for those non-British types.)
Why "Doctor Who"? Why this show? What attracted me to it? There I was minding my own business, lazing around on a Sunday afternoon, wondering what to do with myself. I turned on the tube, flipping the channels, there it was on the Space Network, a "Doctor Who" special. I decided to watch it, and suddenly I got swept away and I never looked back. This happened only about a month ago, I was lead into the world of "Doctor Who", with The Doctor as my guide.
I started season one not knowing what to expect, I was still unclear about who The Doctor was, what kind of a man was he? I thought I might get lost with this new series since I never really got into the old episodes. For the record, I remembered the old "Doctor Who" on PBS when I was a kid. It was a strange kinda psychedelic show, which kinda frightened me as a child, I don't think I ever got through a whole episode. I remember all the creatures were scary to me, maybe because they weren't familiar like R2D2 or E.T. were. I don't know, what did I know, I was a stupid kid.
As I grew up I kinda felt I was too mature for science fiction fantasy. I don't remember the last time I watched the old "Star Wars" films, which were favorites in my childhood. I got into old foreign films, and classic books that were 800 pages long, perhaps I was trying to act too seriously. I think somewhere in between a French film about the holocaust, and "Moby Dick", I snapped! All I wanted was a little pleasantness in my life, I wanted some fun, I wanted joy, I wanted adventure, I wanted hope, The Doctor came into my life at the right moment.
So, who is The Doctor? Why he is the last of timelords of course! He travels through time in his space vehicle the T.A.R.D.I.S., usually with a companion. He fights aliens, monsters, robots, anything. He's a scientist, he's non-violent, and he's probably the most enthusiastic sci-fi hero ever.
From what I know, there have been 11 doctors, since the very beginning of the series, but he is still the same doctor. What happens is when an actor wants to leave the series, the show must go on, so the writers created a regeneration process which happens to the doctor if he is ever near death, thus making him look different but keep the same memories. I know! I know! But go with it, it's fun!
It is said every generation has its own doctor, with me it's gotta be David Tennant. He's the real reason that I watch, his doctor is so eccentric, fun, funny, it's his personality that invites you along for the ride. It has been said David Tennant is the most charismatic doctor there ever has been, he's even won in a poll for the best Doctor ever. And really it's not hard to imagine once you see his performance, there are times when you can sense an actor is having so much fun, and that's what you see in Tennant. Honestly I don't know if I can continue the series without him, he is my doctor without a doubt.
When I watch "Doctor Who", I feel like a kid again, it may sound silly, but I like that feeling. As kids we have our heroes, they're the ones that defeat the bad guys, and give us hope. I think it has been a long time since I felt that way about many things, so it was good to feel it again.
I know "Doctor Who" is just a tv show, it's not meant to change the world, but knowing it's there and knowing there are kids growing up with it, and big kids like me who may have just discovered it, makes me happy. "Doctor Who" reminded me to have fun, and reminded that a some positivity in a cynical world is just what the doctor ordered.
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