Sunday, May 23, 2010

To Speak in Monologue

I admire people who can write in monologue, because you know what, real people don't speak in monologue. When was the last time you heard someone say something that would fill up more than three lines at a time?

Thanks to my two (Count em two!) blogs, I have gone off my own monologue rants, which just goes to show, people have a lot of things to say, but we continue to speak in short brief sentences. I think that's okay, life is short, and if we always suddenly go into a monologue about what we had for breakfast, we would waist our lives going nowhere.

What I like about monologues, or rants as I like to think of it is you are getting a bunch of feelings out of your system. How often have you just wanted to say something, get it all out, the only way is to speak for a very long time. However if that happens in real life, it doesn't come off as eloquently or poetically as you might want it. Usually when I have those moments, it gets jumbled, and lost in translation, which just makes it all the more frustrating.

So we are all destined to speak in short, to-the-point, sentences, there's no room in the real world for poetry, if only Shakespeare could write our lives for us.

However, let's not downplay the importance of the sentences we speak, afterall it is the only form of communication we have, you might say we depend on those short sentences to make sense out of everything. In fact, in a way, there is a certain beauty in the way we speak, I love how we can shorten things to its very essence, sometimes we just have to grunt or even sigh, and we can get our feelings across, to me, that is real raw poetry.

Have you ever really sat and listened to people talk to eachother, it's quite fascinating. My favorite is listening to two people who know eachother inside out, they know what the other one is thinking right away, very often they can finish eachother's sentences. They speak in sort of a rhythm together, they act and react so effortlessly it's like watching a play right in front of you.

So maybe we're lucky not to be speaking in monologue, afterall, in real life, we are not blessed with built in audience who can listen to our rants. I'm perfectly happy ranting on my blogs, I would rather watch two people perfectly complimenting with eachother with real language that has its own poetry.

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