1. The Films of Yasujiro Ozu: Let's get this straight for those of you who don't already know. Yasujiro Ozu is the greatest film director of all time, if you haven't heard his name, go to my other blog "Jeremy and the movies", I've written extensively about his films and him as well. Every now and then I feel the need to watch his films, and the fact that two of his films "The Only Son" and "There was a Father" are new to DVD just gives me another reason to see his movies and talk about them.

2. "Little Dorrit" by Charles Dickens: Let's get this straight for those who don't already know. I love Charles Dickens, to me he's the greatest writer who has ever lived. I think I've mentioned this before in this blog, but just to be sure. I'm currently reading "Little Dorrit" which is about a girl who is born in a debtor's prison, and is working for an invalid women, who's son is trying to help the girl release her father from the prison where he has spent so many years in. It's a great story, I've read only 200 pages of it so far (it's 825 pages long) but I'm not bored with it at all, it's shaping up to be one of the best books of his I've read.
3. Lost Season 4: Ok so, Desmond and Sayid are on a boat, which is there to rescue them, locke just let Ben out of his cell, Charlie's dead, Jin seems to be dead in the future, as does Claire. Desmond can time travel but he doesn't remember, and Michael's back! Thing's are so crazy up in here. After not being sure about "Lost" in the beginning I am now addicted to it. And you know what, it kinda reminds me of a Dickens novel as it inhabits so many characters with mysterious backgrounds, and there are strange coincidences that happen all the time. P.S. Desmond is awesome.