1. Paris: If there was one place I'd want to go, it would be Paris. Maybe it's the romantic in me, maybe I've seen too many French films, but I would just love to see it just once. Go on top of the Eiffel Tower, visit The Louvre, walk along the Champ-Elysees, to me it would be heaven. I've been seriously thinking of a trip there soon.
2. Walking: I've been getting my share of exercise lately, I've decided to park my car and stroll around town as much as I can. Yesterday I walked nearly 5km I think, not sure the exact number, but I think that it was right.
3. The Playwriting Community: A strange unexpected thing sort of happened, and I have now been perceived as somewhat of a writer in my little community. Suddenly people want me to write things for them or with them. Me and a few cohorts are concocting a plan to create a local Writer's club where we can sit down and share our work, and most recently I've been asked to join a board for playwriting workshop committee at our college. I never quite expected any of this, it has me being excited but also hesitant to commit as my schedule just keeps getting bigger and bigger.
I really enjoy your three obsessions of the week... I'm pondering perhaps doing the same on my blog... :)