1. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows:Can you believe it, I haven't read this yet? Talk about getting sidetracked, I think I was in the middle of my seventh Charles Dickens novel at the time this book came out, I was told by everyone to stop whatever I was doing and read it. Well I figured I would read it when I was good and ready, and right now, I'm good and ready. When it comes to fantasy books, I can't get that excited, but Harry Potter is the exception, it's just a fun read, the characters are so vivid and human, and the series never lost its sense of humour, there's a reason these are such great summer books, it's an escape, and now the hype has died down, I'm able to enjoy the book for what it is.

2. Lost: Speaking of hype, here's something else I missed the boat on. I was really disappointed with the lack of really escapist entertainment at the theatres this summer, and after watching "Dr. Who", I wanted a fix of solid entertainment that could just take me away. "Lost" was recommended by practically everyone I know, and it felt like I committed a cardinal sin when I "didn't really get into it". For now, I'm finding it quite entertaining, and a nice summer distraction, I'm almost done season one, although I'm in no hurry to finish it just yet.

3. The Marx Brothers: If I can't find a good movie at the theatres, I just go back to the classics, and you know what they say: "Comedy is good for the soul", and noone is better for my soul than The Marx Brothers. I've been diving into their catalogue of movies this past week just to keep my spirits up, they are the few people who can actually get me into a good mood, I'm smiling a lot more these days because of The Marx Brothers.
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