1. Hereafter: A movie with some serious flaws, yet the way it's handled I found effective and life affirming. I think it's one of the best movies of the year, and I actually can't wait to see it again. Clint Eastwood is an assured director and Matt Damon is becoming one of the most reliable actors around, when will people notice how good he is?

2. Our Mutual Friend: Dickens' final finished novel, I felt the urge to open it this morning when I saw snow on the ground. I've read every finished novel by Dickens up to this, it's rather bittersweet that I have to finish it, yet once I open a Dickens book, I must finish it, only perhaps I'll take my time with this one.

3. A Child's Dream of a Star: Just to connect all three of these obsessions up. I was looking up the famous painting "Dickens Dream", which was mentioned in "Hereafter" since Matt Damon's character has an affinity with Dickens. Googling the word "Dickens" and "Dream", I came to this rather obscure short story which was written by Dickens, which I read online. I found the story to be wonderfully sentimental the only way Dickens could write it, it's sort of a lullaby of a person's life as it starts as a small boy who throughout his life suffers the loss of loved ones, waiting for the day he could join them. It's quite profound and moving, I wouldn't jump to conclusions if I called it one of the best short stories I've read.
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