I won't be the first to say it, but The Beatles were the greatest band to have ever lived, that's a stated fact, I'm pretty sure that's in the constitution actually. There's no debating it, if you debate it, you will be mocked and laughed at by music lovers all around.
There's no getting around it, The Beatles just did it better than anyone, and there are some days I really miss them. Today is one of those days so tonight I popped in "Abbey Road" and reminded myself of their greatness. Reminding yourself of someone's greatness is comforting, like for Shakespeare, you can read "Hamlet", or for Hitchcock, you can watch "Vertigo". It puts me at ease, there are certain masters that just take you to school and you keep learning from them no matter how many times you revisit their work.
The Beatles were like the people's band, everyone liked them, they were hard to resist, they got you with simple pop melodies, and sing a long lyrics that just made you feel better.
My CD player in my car is shot, so I have to turn to the radio for music and I'm so disillusioned at what is playing, I sometimes can't stand it, I have to turn it down.
Call me a dinosaur, or an old grump, (I'm 29 and to me that's not old although I'm reminded by my younger peers it is) but today's music is just a bunch of noise, and EVERY DAMN THING SOUNDS THE SAME!!!!! IS IT JUST ME? AM I THE ONLY ONE TO NOTICE THIS? I CAN'T BE I JUST CAN'T BE!!!!
I think The Beatles will be around forever, but I'm a little worried when I see some younger people not even get a reference to one of their songs. Beatles music should be like lullaby's to the younger children, they should be as familiar as nursery rhymes, when did they start forgetting.
Do yourselves a favour, pick up every Beatles album known to man, no reason, other than it will make your lives better, you'll be happier and better adjusted human beings, trust me.
You rational (or so-called rational) people are probably telling me I'm overreacting, I assure you I am not, not at all, not in the least, nuh-uh, no way. I am looking out for your interests, this is all I will say on the matter. Now quit with your lousy music and listen to The Beatles. That is all.
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